Tag Archives: Soul

A Soul Like Mine

People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Have you ever had the feeling
That you have known them before
Not so much in a your face familiar
But in the kind of way, where you feel it.

It is an inexplicable familiarity
when you look into that person’s eyes
Perhaps you have shared many lives
With them or maybe just this one.

You just feel it in your bones
That this is someone who has been
And will be important to you
Maybe it’s deja’ vu, maybe not.

Before we’re born into this life
We have a soul and there are other souls
Certain lessons are learned from each
For when it is time to awaken.

The soul awakens from where it lay sleeping
We may be here a lifetime to the shared
With this soul in another life, or several
Some of us have many soul mates, some none.

Not everyone we encounter connects
And not every soul connects with me
So how do I know if met my soul mate.

It is particularly deep soul connection
There will be a freeze-frame memory
Of the first moment you met that person
In other words, to later reflect back upon.

It might be the first time we met
With this person we have a clear picture
Its clear in our mind of all of the states
of that moment when they first entered our lives.

Signs you have met your soul mate

There is a powerful, instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before.
You felt an instant and deep connection for each other.
Words aren’t good enough to describe the electrifying feelings you share together.
Your relationship is immediate, as if no time has passed since you last ‘knew’ each other
Time and space lose meaning when you look into this person’s eyes.
You have a completely open relationship and don’t fear judgment.
Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self.
Your feelings for each other are spiritual.
There are no restrictions within the relationship.
There is no need for ownership or control.
Both of you know without a doubt you were brought together for a reason.
The relationship has a deep sense of purpose.
You become one without losing your individual identities.
You see yourself in the other person’s eyes.

Soul mate relationships, while wonderful, are almost never pain-free. These people are brought into our lives to help us grow and as a result, they often challenge us more than others. When you find a soul mate it’s not just all jumping on clouds and smiling as you gaze into each other’s eyes for hours (though there is some of that). Lots of growth takes place when you find such a soul.Ref: http://patski.hubpages.com/hub/loveconnection